James Arthur "Jimmy" Myers Jr.

05.12.1968 - 02.12.2024
updated 03.09.24

   the degabus veteran took his last lap on 02.12.24, after a long illness. jimmy made his rookie dega pilgrimage in 2012 and returned all but one year thereafter. he was a helpful, friendly, wise cracking jerk, that loved to laugh. he will be greatly missed by the many that loved him.

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jimmy at bat.

with phil at dean's garage.

grumpy old men, angry about the drunks on the lawn.


random non-dega jimmy imagery.

gary and jimmy drive away bar patrons.

♪♫♪♫ you gotta fight, for your right,
to dump beer on your shirt! ♫♪♫♪
-phil and jimmy

the triplets.

03.09.24: the guys toast to jimmy.

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